Comment la génération Z sont en train de changer la façon dont nous travaillons tous


Eric Delcroix est spécialisé en conseil, contenu, communication digitale, formation, internet, réseaux et médias sociaux, picture marketing, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter, génération Z

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Tiens une vidéo qui a passé à la trappe au mois de novembre… Pourtant, le sujet est important 😉 Comment la génération Z sont en train de changer la façon dont nous travaillons tous… enfin, non, c’est en anglais donc : How Generation Z are changing the way we all work.

Dans ce déjeuner BJSS (une société de service informatique), Simon Sear donne un aperçu des changements que les technologies numériques, tels que les médias sociaux, le Cloud, le Big Data et le Mobile, apportent à la façon dont fonctionnent les entreprises.

Generation Z are those children born after 1995. They are the first generation to grow up in the digital age, never knowing a time when there was no Internet! They are the early adopters of digital technologies and we can learn a lot from them about how things will change for businesses. For example, they only use email for 2% of their communication, compared to 33% for the rest of us, they expect immediate responses using applications like WhatsApp and Twitter. This has big implications on how organisations engage with them as employees and consumers, especially now they are starting to enter the workforce, but it has an even bigger impact when everybody else starts to follow!!

In this BJSS Lunch and Learn session, Head of Change Management Simon Sear provides insight into the changes that digital technologies, such as Social Media, Cloud, Big Data and Mobile, are bringing to the way businesses operate.

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